The SQUARE 1™ System is a problem-solving framework that uses neuromuscular testing to assess and identify areas where neural signaling may be disrupted in our fundamental movement patterns, such as getting upright and walking. Stress and injury can lead to sensory gaps and signal deficits that contribute to faulty movement patterns and compensations. The SQUARE 1™ System helps locate these disruptions in the body (such as in joints, the head, or the eyes), and works to correct them through targeted isometric exercises and breathing techniques. The goal is to reduce compensations, enhance movement efficiency, and improve joint mobility with stability.
All first-time SQUARE 1™ system appointments will be one hour in length. Subsequent sessions maybe one hour or 30-minutes.
Please fill out a SQUARE 1™ system request form at the Member Service desk. You may also need to complete a Health History Questionnaire. Chicagoland’s Shawn Sherman is the developer of the SQUARE 1™ system. For more information please visit
Loyola Center for Fitness requires 24 hours’ notice for any cancellations or appointment rescheduling.
School: University of Illinois at Chicago
Degree: Bachelor of Science-Physical Education
Certifications: Motor Control Restoration Specialist (MCRS) of the Square 1™ system, National Academy of Sports Medicine - Personal Training certification, Muscle Activation Technique - Certified Specialist, Resistance Training Specialist (RTS), Aerobics and Fitness Association of America - Aerobics certified, American Heart Association - CPR & AED certification
Claudia K.
While walking my dogs in the forest preserves on a Sunday my foot entered a leaf-covered hole and I fell and hyperextended my right knee while falling on my other knee and my whole left side. Thought for sure I would be out of commission for a long time (time off work, limping around the house and/or lying in bed). I called Dawn for an “emergency” SQUARE 1™ session and I was lucky enough for her to see me on Tuesday. After this one session, I was able to walk down the stairs and do squats! I was still sore after the fall but the exercises had me up and almost running the day of my session with her! Square 1 is awesome and I am a very firm believer.
Grace C.
“SQUARE 1™ felt like acupuncture without the needles. It relieved all of my stress. My joints and muscles felt relaxed as though I had had an amazing massage. Both my neck and shoulder rotation improved where they were limited before.”
Yvette Kruk
“I am an intern here at LCF, and one of the opportunities that I had was to shadow Dawn and begin to understand how the SQUARE 1™ system works. A client came in with an uneven pelvis of which one side was about 2 inches higher than the other. His posture was also stooped. He complained of pain in his right groin when he ran. By the end of the first sessions, the pelvis was centered and his posture was upright. By the 3rd session he was able to run a short distance with minimal pain in his groin. The Square 1™ system was able to identify compensations and through corrective exercise clear them.”
J.M. (neck and shoulder issue)
J.M. experienced pain, stiffness and soreness in her neck, across her upper back and shoulders. She also had a protuberance on the right side of her neck for the past couple of years. After seeing an orthopedic doctor, she was diagnosed with arthritis and her doctor suggested physical therapy. J.M. started physical therapy 2 – 3 times a week from January through March 2018. In addition, she received regular massages but she saw little improvement. J.M. decided to try The SQUARE 1™ System at Loyola Center for Fitness. “I saw Dawn for several Square 1™ sessions and not only is the protuberance gone but my range of motion has increased and I feel very much improved!” said J.M
David C. (strained his psoas muscle after falling from a rafter 5 years ago)
I went walking with my daughter this morning and she kept telling me to slow down. I usually have to push myself to keep up with her. A fantastic improvement after my 1st SQUARE 1™ session!
K.C. (ankle and knee issue)
I went in with specific ankle pain (left side) but have had chronic issues related to knee surgery on one knee and knee instability on the other. Dawn and the SQUARE 1™ system got rid of the ankle pain and gave me exercises to help with ongoing stability and strength. Thank you!
David R. (overuse shoulder injury)
I had an ‘over-use’ injury which caused pain and discomfort up and down my arms and shoulders. Putting on a shirt was sometimes torturous. I did a few months of Physical Therapy which confirmed nothing was torn. The pain and discomfort was almost constant and depressing. Now SQUARE 1™ is not so much therapy as magic! Dawn isn’t a sleight-of-hand artist, just a skill-of-hand artist. So a movement or extension would be painful and then a few Dawn moves later, no or very little pain. So SQUARE 1™ is effective, mysterious, and magical in my experience.
For more information, please call (464) 220-9740 or complete our contact form.
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Monday - Friday 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Saturday - Sunday 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Loyola Center for Fitness - 2160 S. First Avenue, Building 130 - Maywood, Illinois - 60153 - (708) 327-2348
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